How To Avoid Being Scammed At Tax Time If You’re A Small Business Owner

More than most likely, when the first of the year arrives it can bring a slight amount of unwanted stress if you're a small business owner. The reason is because tax time is gearing up and you'll want to make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row to properly file taxes. Because there are several things to consider when filing, along with the paperwork needed to crunch numbers accurately, it's may be wise to leave it to the professionals. Read More 

How Can Your Car Help Lower Your Tax Bill?

Doing your taxes?  Don't overlook the many ways your vehicle can help reduce your tax bill.  Depending on your situation, properly claiming and deducting vehicle usage can be very helpful during tax time. How?    Deductible Taxes If you itemize deductions, be sure to include the taxes paid to register or renew your vehicles.  There are two caveats, though.  First, only taxes are deductible on the Schedule A; don't include fees paid. Read More 

5 Value-Added Extras For Local Tax Prep Services

Are you looking for your best options for annual tax filing next year? Read on, and you'll see why it often pays to seek the services of a human tax preparer who can set up your filings the right way. Easy tax prep software has certainly churned up the tax prep industry—more people are simply using basic software programs to create their tax returns. But this isn't always the right way to go, because filing taxes is a complicated business. Read More